Richard Price


I am the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Endowed Professor of Political Science at Weber State University and I teach a range of courses on law and courts, American politics, and LGBTQ politics. As a political scientist, I’m interested in challenges to books in schools and libraries because they are attempts to use public institutions to reflect the value system of the challengers. My primary interest is in challenges to queer-inclusive literature. My current project is tentatively titled The Perils of Queer Literature exploring the attempt to censor queer stories from the World War II to the present.

Outside of academia I’m an amateur beer snob, a cat wrangler who’s hoping to go pro, and a baseball fan (go Red Sox!). I also bake an unhealthy number of reasonably edible sweet items. As a queer, nonbinary person I use they/them pronouns.

I can be reached at

You can follow me on Twitter.

All the ideas, thoughts, and content on this website represents my personal views and not those of my university.